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Support | Apple HomeKit


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39,00 €


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39,00 €

Support – Apple HomeKit

Frequently Asked Questions

Using Apple HomeKit

How do I connect my myStrom device to Apple HomeKit?

– Device with HomeKit code on it: Scan with the Apple Home app.
– Older device: Update firmware to the latest version. Then tap the Apple HomeKit tile on the device in the myStrom app and follow the instructions.

Which myStrom devices are supported?

– WiFi Switches of the 2nd generation (2017 – today)
– WiFi LED Strip Controllers of all generations
– WiFi Motion Sensors of all generations
– modulo® STECCO


Owners of a FRITZ!Box

Change the FRITZ!Box settings from WPA3 to WPA/WPA2.

Device is not found in the Apple Home app or a device reset is requested.

Perform a reset by pressing and holding the “+” WPS button on the device for 10 seconds. The LED starts flashing red. Now connect the smartphone or tablet on which the Apple Home app is located to the WiFi of the myStrom device – this starts with “my-…” The device is recognised as a Home device and is transferred to the Home app.

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