Bulb release notes from 2.00 to 2.17: - better init srs cnonce by current timestamp, - set color to FF000000 as default after factory, - power limit by temperature sensor and PID algorithm, - software power linit set by HSV, - fix problem with FR, - support for I2C temperature sensor, - connect without AP MAC filtering (change/replace AP), - fix problem with connect over WPS, - connect only to encrypted networks, - set color in HSV, - disable mesh, - increase AP time to 5 min, - no blink in WPS mode, - use SNTP for SSL connectionn initialization, - restore RF callibration section if corrupted, - save color/on/off 15s after last change, - RAM use optimalization, - removed 2 unnecessary 3rd party libraries (simplified OSS statement and reduced FW size), - save color set in HEX and HSV, - fix problem with firmware upgrade in special cases, - fix problem with close srs connection in special cases, - HTTP referer filtering in API, - case insensitive MAC in API, - new firmware upgrade procedure to use bigger app size, - personalize AP SSID name and DHCP name.